
AMP: Year Four - The Year of the Invasion - Tabletop RPG

Created by Eloy Lasanta

Continuing the AMP Game Line into Year Four: The Year of the Invasion!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Setting Up the Backerkit
over 6 years ago – Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 12:44:58 PM

Hey everyone!

Backerkit is an interesting animal. Every time I come back, they've changed so many things it's like learning all again. With that said, I hope to have the Backerkit set up for AMP: Year Four by the end of next week, and start doling out rewards and other goodies. 

Thanks so much for your patience as I get through this. 

Until next time. 

We Are Done!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 07:17:43 AM

Hey everyone!

The just completed this Kickstarter campaign, hitting 123% and getting you all one stretch goal. We are currently working on the Nā ‘Aumākua Affiliation Guide, so I'll make sure everyone gets that one for free who backed this kickstarter! 

We have writing deadlines for the end of the month, so as soon as I have some cemented and fully developed material to share, I certainly will. In the meantime, I'm going to relax a bit and take a deep breath. This kickstarter is done... on to the next one! 

Until next time! 

AMP: Year Four Q&A
over 6 years ago – Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 06:06:15 PM

Hey everyone!

We just did a Q&A last night for AMP: Year Four and it was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who came out to ask questions and join in the conversation. 

If you want to see the transcript of this Q&A, just click here:


Goal Achieved!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 08:21:17 PM

Hey everyone!

We hit our goal in the middle of the night last night for AMP: Year Four, and I woke up to a lot of happiness today! With the main goal out of the way, that means we can start to unlock Stretch Goals. For anyone unfamiliar with how we do those, they are Affiliation Guides. We pick one of the groups from the game, either I choose one or I put it up for a vote, and then we get a group breakdown, new powers, and an adventure for that group. 

We've done guides for the Seekers of Enlightenment, the Changelings, TRAC, UHF, Typhoon, and the Hounds so far. We have Nā ‘Aumākua in the works right now, with plenty more where that came from. 

For every $1000 we get from here on out, we'll be unlocking one more guide. So let's take a moment to dance and enjoy our success, and then let's get down to business and unlock these goals! 

Until next time. 

Being Part of the Story
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 01:13:38 PM

Hey everyone,

Over half in one day! Awesome! We're moving along pretty great! 

This update is to provide more info on the upper-level tiers, since I've had some people asking me about them.

Part of the Story

So, what does it mean? Most of the narrative and timeline has been written for AMP: Year Four already, but we're purposefully leaving key characters without names. By backing at this level, you'll be able to pick the name (either your own or another reasonable name). Sometimes, these are super important characters, like Jacob Segal (Doctor Luminous) and Jeff Zitomer (Conduit) who backed at this level for AMP: Year One, and sometimes they are minor characters who have the potential for a bigger part in later books, like Loco Diablo's small part of AMP: Year One which blossomed into a much bigger part in AMP: Year Two. Best thing is that you become part of the official world.

There are a total of 10, and the parts can go to either men or women, so everyone is welcome. Any slots left open means I'll just come up with a name for those characters... but it's more exciting to have you all be a part of it!

Create Your Own AMP

This tier is different from the Part of the Story tier. Instead of using your name, you instead make up a fully playable character in the game. This doesn't net you as a character in the main story, but you get to make your own hero who could go on to inspire stories in future books. You also get full official stats written up and an awesome piece of art done by our artist, Maxim Lardinois. You've seen what we can do.

Major Part of the Story

This combines the Part of the Story and Create Your Own AMP tiers. You get to make a fully playable character and work with us to insert them into the main story, doing something awesome and setting-changing! It's the best tier out there, which is why there's only 5 of them. 

Hope that clears things up and shows how each of these tiers has its own appeal!

Until next time.